Saturday, August 10, 2013

Active Imagination: Exercise Instructions

On the heels of a presentation to graduate students in psychology at HIS University in Corona, California, I promised to post instructions for an exercise in active imagination which we discussed as one helpful resource in working with recovery:

Spiritual Resources for Counseling Addicted Individuals in Recovery
HIS University
August 8, 2013

Active Imagination Exercise

1)      Images: 


2)      Emotions:


3)      Dialogue (yourself [lower case] +  IMAGE [upper case])

Negative shadow: “The worst part about you is...” 


Positive shadow: “What is it that you want from me?” 


4)      Images as metaphors ---

Negative shadow: “The part of me that...” 


Positive shadow: “The part of me that...”


5)      Waking context:

6)      Integration (incorporating shift):



Johnson, R.A. (2009). Inner work: Using dreams and active imagination for personal growth [Kindle version]. Retrieved from

Weathers, R.S. (1990).  Dream theory and research. In R. J. Hunter (Ed.), Dictionary of Pastoral Care and Counseling.  Nashville, TN:  Abingdon Press. (copy available at Dr. Weathers’ website: [under “Books and Publications”])